Great Lakes Waterproofing for Basements and Foundations


Serving Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Metro Area and beyond

  • Wet Basement with beaver dam system

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    Beaver Dam System Leaking Everywhere

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Wet Foundation Holes and Cracks

    Foundation Cracks and Holes Allowing Water Into Bloomington Apartment Building

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    University Using Exterior Waterproofing

    Real Waterproofing, On The Ouside!

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Mixing Bentonite for Real Waterproofing!

    Bentonite For Exterior Waterproofing

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Saint Paul Home With Water Leaks

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Drain Tile in Older Minneapolis Building

  • Minneapolis Drain tile is leaking

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    Minneapolis New Drain Tile is Still Leaking!

  • Slide title

    Drain Tile Pipe Is Full Of Sand!

  • Waterproofing paint is not working

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    Basement Waterproofing Paint Is Peeling Off

  • Using dimple board for inside the wet basement

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    Dimple Board is Not Working on The Inside of my Basement!

  • Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

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    Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

  • I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

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    I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

  • Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

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    Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

  • Basement Waterproofing Sealing Cracks

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    Targeting The Wet Areas at a Fraction of The Cost of Drain Tile.

  • Real Waterproofing on The Outside of The Foundation

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    Real Waterproofing Starts on The Outside of The Foundation


Lakeville Basement And Foundation Waterproofing

Waterproofing Lakeville Minnesota Basements and Foundations

Lakeville Minnesota ground conditions allow for a lot of water flow, over time basement foundations will settle and crack allowing water into the foundation.  If you have a wet basement walk around the home and look for cracks similar to the photos below, these will go from the floor to the ceiling and can allow for a lot of water to flow through your basement  or factory walls.

Waterproofing Lakeville Home with cracked wall


Residential Waterproofing Basement Crack

This Lakeville Homeowner had a wet basement foundation, the home was newer, built in the 90's with a solid poured concrete foundation. 

Most homes since 1981 in Minnesota, including this one, have a drain-tile sump pump system installed but they will not work if the water enters above the basement floor.

Concrete cracks, it's rare to see older concrete that doesn't have a few cracks in it, these cracks will go from the floor to the ceiling and if the ground conditions are wet, the water will move right through the crack.

This home had no waterproofing or damp-proofing materials on the exterior.  Great Lakes Waterproofing injected this area with bentonite, sealing up the crack and filling any voids in this area that might be collecting water.

Waterproofing Lakeville Factory Foundation

Lakeville Industrial Poured

Foundation Waterproofing

This factory in Lakeville has a below-grade area with mechanical equipment including this large motor.

A wet basement utility area was not an option and they wanted it sealed up!

The two options explored were  a drain-tile sytem underneath the floor or exterior waterproofing using Great Lakes Waterproofing proven bentonite injections.

You can see the water coming through a few inches above the floor, without additional plastic sheeting or dimple board, this would not be captured by the drain tile and the floor would continue to leak. 

The floor also acts as a brace for the bottom of the wall, removing this area never seems like a good idea especially with continous water pressure pushing against the wall.

Waterproofing Lakeville Walk Out Basement


Wet Basement Waterproofing

This basement waterproofing project in Lakeville had a walkout in the back but a full depth 7' basement in the front.

We work on a lot of similar situations, the drop in grade makes the water drain down towards the back.  See where the downspout is?  Add in rocky landscaping and edging and the water will naturally follow this area next to the foundation down to the low spot.

Over time settling cracks develop (this is fairly normal) and water will start moving through the foundation creating a wet basement.

This owner had a choice of a drain-tile system or exterior waterproofing.  The answer was clear, stopping water before it moves through the foundation was the answer, on top of that it was a fraction of the cost of installing a drain tile system.

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