Serving Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Metro Area and beyond
Beaver Dam System Leaking Everywhere
Foundation Cracks and Holes Allowing Water Into Bloomington Apartment Building
Real Waterproofing, On The Ouside!
Bentonite For Exterior Waterproofing
Saint Paul Home With Water Leaks
Drain Tile in Older Minneapolis Building
Minneapolis New Drain Tile is Still Leaking!
Drain Tile Pipe Is Full Of Sand!
Basement Waterproofing Paint Is Peeling Off
Dimple Board is Not Working on The Inside of my Basement!
Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up
I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking
Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material
Targeting The Wet Areas at a Fraction of The Cost of Drain Tile.
Real Waterproofing Starts on The Outside of The Foundation
Maplewood Minnesota is mostly older homes and businesses, over the years some of the foundations have settled or developed cracks and holes allowing water to move through the basement walls. Great Lakes Waterproofing is perfect for older cinder block and poured foundations, we stop the water outside of the wet basement, filling and sealing the nooks and crannies of the wall with all-natural bentonite for waterproofing. Once sealed the bentonite should be effective for the life of your foundation.
This Maplewood Wet Basement is pretty typical of what we see on a regular basis. The wall is commonly called cinder block (or CMU to masons). Built before 1980, these homes didn't have an interior drain tile system installed. Over time the extreme weather conditions of Woodbury lead to settling and cracking of the foundation.
The homeowner started getting water in and thought putting a patio would help get the water away from the wet basement. Unfortunately what we find is the ground near the footing (where your basement floor is) is soft, hollow and collects a lot of water. The patio might stop the water for a brief time but it eventually finds it way back down there.
Real Waterproofing is the solution, starting on the exterior, this basement is sealed up using Great Lakes Waterproofing Exterior Bentonite Injections stopping the water before it moves through the foundations
This Maplewood Home had a wet basement due to several settling cracks around the foundation, this one was seeing a ton of water, no wonder the concentrated downspout water flow was flooding the area around this crack.
We call this a stair step crack, if follows the blocks like a stair step, extending 8'-12' from the corner providing a great place for water to enter the basement.
Stopping water outside is Real Waterproofing, why spend a lot of money on an interior drain tile system when you can target the wet basement areas and stop the water flow through the wall at a fraction of the cost?
Letting the water move through the wall and pumping it back out is water-management, the blocks will continue to fall apart, the cracks and holes will get larger and the potential of mold and mildew will continue.
Another Maplewood Wet Basement, this one is called a poured concrete foundation, the walls are poured at one time and are a solid piece of concrete.
These normally leak from rusted tie-rods (a sacrificial piece of metal left in the concrete), or the concrete cracks, this photo shows a large crack. This foundation has a drain tile but water coming in above the floor will not make it to the sump pump.
Some waterproofing companies want to put interior dimple board or plastic sheets on the walls, we call these "mold factories," who knows what's growing behind it in the wet, dark area.
Instead of installing an expensive elaborate interior water drainage system that does nothing to stop the water, why not do Real Waterproofing for a fraction of the price. Bentonite for waterproofing has been in use for over 100 years, stopping water on the outside.
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Great Lakes Waterproofing & Real Waterproofing are registered trademarks
445 Minnesota Street
Suite 1500
Saint Paul, MN 55101
MN License #IR660365