Great Lakes Waterproofing for Basements and Foundations


Serving Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Metro Area and beyond

  • Wet Basement with beaver dam system

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    Beaver Dam System Leaking Everywhere

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Wet Foundation Holes and Cracks

    Foundation Cracks and Holes Allowing Water Into Bloomington Apartment Building

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    University Using Exterior Waterproofing

    Real Waterproofing, On The Ouside!

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Mixing Bentonite for Real Waterproofing!

    Bentonite For Exterior Waterproofing

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Saint Paul Home With Water Leaks

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Drain Tile in Older Minneapolis Building

  • Minneapolis Drain tile is leaking

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    Minneapolis New Drain Tile is Still Leaking!

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    Drain Tile Pipe Is Full Of Sand!

  • Waterproofing paint is not working

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    Basement Waterproofing Paint Is Peeling Off

  • Using dimple board for inside the wet basement

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    Dimple Board is Not Working on The Inside of my Basement!

  • Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

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    Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

  • I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

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    I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

  • Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

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    Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

  • Basement Waterproofing Sealing Cracks

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    Targeting The Wet Areas at a Fraction of The Cost of Drain Tile.

  • Real Waterproofing on The Outside of The Foundation

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    Real Waterproofing Starts on The Outside of The Foundation


Plymouth Waterproofing

Plymouth Minnesota Waterproofing Projects For Wet Basements And Foundations

Plymouth Minnesota tends to have above average wet ground conditions and finer sand and dirt particles that can fill drain tile pipes up to the point where they stop moving water.  Guess what happens next? The water starts moving through the wall and into your basement, this water can cause mold, mildew and mushrooms to grow in your wet basement.

Waterproofing Plymouth Home

Drain-Tile Stopped Working

In Plymouth Wet Basement

This Plymouth wet basement was getting a lot of water, enough to destroy the carpet floor, it needed to be ripped out, but the homeowner also wanted to solve the wet basement issue.

The light-grey area is where a drain-tile system with sump pump was installed for water management.  This was intalled in the last few years, after the home was built.  The dark line is glue but to the left is the seam where new concrete was installed next to the wet basement wall. 

This drain-tile system was leaking above the floor, the water never made it to the drain-tile pipe under the floor.  For this customer, Real Waterproofing from Great Lakes Waterproofing was the answer, stopping water before it moves through the basement foundation using exterior bentonite injections

Mold and mushrooms on foundation wall

Mold, Mildew and Mushrooms

In Plymouth Wet Basement

Another Plymouth wet basement had just been remodeled, the drain-tile system was not working for water that was flowing above the basement floor. 

This is a pretty nasty situation, this home had just enough water leakage to create this area of mold, mildew and some fungus.

In most cases we would recommend a professional come in and remove these areas and treat with any products to help this from never happening again.  Of course they would recommend exterior basement waterproofing to stop the "food supply in this wet basement.

This home was waterproofed outside, interior waterproofing would have meant ripping out a lot of dryway, carpeting and trim, and then cutting the concrete floor to install an underfloor drainage system.  Real Waterproofing allowed this customer to fix this small area without having to fix the entire basement at a fraction of the cost.

Clogged Drain Tile System

Drain-Tile Not Working

In Plymouth Wet Basement

This Plymouth Home had a drain tile sytem but it wasn't working, unfortunately most companies will tell you that it needs to be dug up and replaced at great expense.

This type of clogging in the underfloor drain tile pipe system can be common if the holes and cracks in the walls are big enough to let soil, sand and dirt move through with the water.  Over time the pipes will plug up, blocking the water which then "overflows"  the system and ends up back on the basement floor.

Real Waterproofing prevents this;  water is stopped before it even enters the foundation.  Soil, sand and dirt doesn't flow in with the water, since nothing comes inside. 

Another concern is pump failure, this gritty material will eat at the pump impeller, most aren't rated for gritty solids and it will cause premature failure, usually when it's running.

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