Great Lakes Waterproofing for Basements and Foundations


Serving Minneapolis, Saint Paul, the Metro Area and beyond

  • Wet Basement with beaver dam system

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    Beaver Dam System Leaking Everywhere

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Wet Foundation Holes and Cracks

    Foundation Cracks and Holes Allowing Water Into Bloomington Apartment Building

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    University Using Exterior Waterproofing

    Real Waterproofing, On The Ouside!

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

    Mixing Bentonite for Real Waterproofing!

    Bentonite For Exterior Waterproofing

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Saint Paul Home With Water Leaks

  • Foundation waterproofing using bentonite

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    Drain Tile in Older Minneapolis Building

  • Minneapolis Drain tile is leaking

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    Minneapolis New Drain Tile is Still Leaking!

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    Drain Tile Pipe Is Full Of Sand!

  • Waterproofing paint is not working

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    Basement Waterproofing Paint Is Peeling Off

  • Using dimple board for inside the wet basement

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    Dimple Board is Not Working on The Inside of my Basement!

  • Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

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    Drain Tile Pipes Are Plugged Up

  • I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

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    I Have A Drain Tile But My Wall Is Still Leaking

  • Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

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    Bentonite, The World's #1 Waterproofing Material

  • Basement Waterproofing Sealing Cracks

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    Targeting The Wet Areas at a Fraction of The Cost of Drain Tile.

  • Real Waterproofing on The Outside of The Foundation

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    Real Waterproofing Starts on The Outside of The Foundation


Oakdale Basement and Foundation Waterproofing

Oakdale Minnesota Waterproofing Projects For Wet Basements And Foundations

Oakdale Minnesota is a just outside of Saint Paul and typically has older homes with most of the oldest built in the 1950's.  Over time the ground shifts and foundations crack, don't be alarmed, it's actually pretty common but it also allows water to move through your basement walls.  If you want to stop basement water, exterior waterproofing is the only way and it tends to be a fraction of the price of an interior drain tile system which only "manages" the water, pumping it outside where it's free to find the same cracks and come right back in.

Waterproofing Oakdale Home

Oakdale Wet Basement When The Snow Melts

This Oakdale Home has a wet basement that is most noticable when the snow is melting.  The photo shows the yard snow is almost up to the house but there's always a small dry area next to the foundation.

This is due to a few different reasons including protection from the overhang, the warmth of the foundation and the sun hitting the side of the home also providing warmth.

It also provides a fast direct route to the foundation for water.  We call it the moat effect, where water coming off the roof or the melting yard snow gets caught in this area.  During the summer it tends to follow the slope of the yard but now it can't.

Using Great Lakes Waterproofing's Bentonite Injection System, we provided a waterproofing barrier in this area to stop water moving through cracks and holes into this Oakdale Wet Basement.

Egress window is leaking water into basement

Oakdale Egress Window is Leaking Into The Wet Basement

Egress Window Additions have been a very popular upgrade to older homes for the past 20 years around Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

We typically see some of these windows start to leak after a few years, especially if they are near a downspout.  The reason is they are now the low spot on the foundation and water will naturally work it's way to this area.  If they are not properly installed you will have a wet basement.

This older Oakdale Home had an egress window installed, while this one visually looks ok it still had water issues.

We find the dirt closer to the bottom of foundation wall to be soft or porous with normal Minnesota Conditions, the egress provides a funnel for the water to get down to this area faster.  Great Lakes Waterproofing was able to do exterior injections of bentonite to make the are more dense, packed with water-stopping bentonite.  Addtional water pressure just pushes the bentonite into the wall cracks and holes for an even better seal.

Wet room under garage floor

Oakdale Room Under Garage Leaking Water

We see this all of the time, this Oakdale Garage has a room underneath it, the ceiling of the basement room is concrete.

The concrete floor is premade in panels and set into place by a crane, then another layer of concrete is poured on top of it for a solid parking area.

Over time water finds a way to move between the seems and cracks and for this Oakdale Homeowner, they had a wet room.

Exterior waterproofing is the most effective way to stop water moving through the basement walls, we drilled small holes near the foundation and pumped a slurry of bentonite which filled the voids and water pathways, stopping the water before it moved through the foundation.

When finished the holes are sealed with concrete or asphalt and the area cleaned to look like before we started.

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